Con­tribute to SOFII

Con­tribute to SOFII

To be tru­ly effec­tive fundrais­ers and social change cam­paign­ers the world over need instant access to the best think­ing, best prac­tice and the most reveal­ing analy­sis of what works and what doesn’t.

SOFII believes that this large body of infor­ma­tion should be avail­able for fundrais­ers every­where, in an eas­i­ly acces­si­ble, free and per­ma­nent col­lec­tion, on-line.

So SOFII’s mis­sion is to build and present the best inter­ac­tive archive of appro­pri­ate fundrais­ing exhibits from around the world. We sup­port this col­lec­tion with stim­u­lat­ing, infor­ma­tive and provoca­tive fea­tures that present and explain the best think­ing, insights, ideas and actions on all the issues most use­ful to you and to all fundrais­ers around the world.

This is your SOFII.

To pro­vide you with this amaz­ing ser­vice, SOFII needs to be well fed and well fund­ed. You are an impor­tant part of the SOFII team. Your sup­port can help fundrais­ers around the world stay inspired, informed and motivated.

And now, here are the dif­fer­ent ways you could make a difference:

Make a donation

SOFII needs to raise mon­ey to thrive and keep pro­vid­ing you with help, inspi­ra­tion and infor­ma­tion at your fin­ger­tips. Click here for more infor­ma­tion about becom­ing a very spe­cial SOFII donor.

Of course there are lots of ways you can help SOFII with­out putting your hand in your pock­et (though of course, we’d like it if you could do both), such as….

Spread the SOFII word…

This one’s easy. We need to get the SOFII known by more fundrais­ers of the world. Could you per­suade ten friends to email Car­oli­na so they can find out more? Not a lot, is it?

Want to be inspired and con­fi­dent to try out new fundrais­ing ideas?
Vis­it SOFII at

Send us your instruc­tive exhibits and moments of inspiration

Of course, the lifeblood of SOFIIplease send in your exhibits of great fundrais­ing, to share best prac­tice with the world. 

Send us your suc­cess stories

Every­one likes pos­i­tive feed­back and, here at SOFII, we’re no dif­fer­ent. If some­thing you’ve found on SOFII has made a pos­i­tive dif­fer­ence to your fundrais­ing, then let us know. Of course, if some­thing hasn’t gone quite as expect­ed, you can tell us about that too. You can email Car­oli­na with your sto­ries here.

Give us some sure-foot­ed edi­to­r­i­al support

Could you (with per­haps just a bit of guid­ance) help SOFII pre­pare some infor­ma­tive and inspi­ra­tional edi­to­r­i­al fea­tures? For exam­ple, are you able to write con­cise­ly and clear­ly on a range of fundrais­ing sub­jects? If so, you could make a name for your­self, on SOFII. Mind you, you’ll have to do your own research and to be able to write well, but reach out to us and we can tell you more.

Thank you so much

For any or all of these oppor­tu­ni­ties to help SOFII please con­tact Car­oli­na Her­rera. She’ll quick­ly help you with every­thing you need so the process will be as easy and as much fun as you’d expect from some­thing for SOFII.